The color palette represents our character and brings a hint of freshness to our products.
Making the content readable for everyone was our main goal. Accessibility considerations have been our top priority. Each color in the palette indicates its WCAG conformance level (“AA” or “AAA”). It's based on colors' contrast against white or black.
Base colors
Base colors define the content surface and the main color for content. Different shades of paper and ink are useful to emphasise or de-emphasise different content areas.
Base colors go from pure white (Base100) to true black (Base0). Intermediate shades of grey include a tint of blue for greater harmony with our accent color.
When applying text on a surface, you need to check the color contrast between the text and the background:
- Base100…50 are safe text colors for a black surface.
- Base30…0 are safe text colors for a white surface.
Base100 AAA
RGB 255, 255, 255
HSB 0, 0%, 100%
Base90 AAA
RGB 248, 249, 250
HSB 210, 1%, 98%
Base80 AAA
RGB 234, 236, 240
HSB 220, 3%, 94%
Base70 AAA
RGB 200, 204, 209
HSB 213, 4%, 82%
Base50 AAA
RGB 162, 169, 177
HSB 212, 8%, 69%
Base30 AA / AA
RGB 114, 119, 125
HSB 210, 9%, 49%
Base20 AAA
RGB 84, 89, 93
HSB 207, 10%, 36%
Base10 AAA
RGB 34, 34, 34
HSB 0, 0%, 13%
Base0 AAA
RGB 0, 0, 0
HSB 0, 0%, 0%
Accent colors
Accent colors are used to emphasise actions and highlight key information. Blue is a natural choice in our context, where it has been the default color used for links, conveying the idea of action.
There are three shades provided for situations where you need a lighter (Accent90), regular (Accent50) or a darker (Accent10) version.
Accent50 provides a blue which is suitable to be used for text and as background. When used as link text it provides sufficient contrast with black text to notice the difference. When used as background, it provides enough contrast with white text to keep the text readable.
Accent90 AAA
RGB 234, 243, 255
HSB 214, 8%, 100%
Accent50 Progressive AA
RGB 51, 102, 204
HSB 220, 75%, 80%
Accent10 AAA
RGB 42, 75, 141
HSB 220, 70%, 55%
Utility colors
Red, green and yellow are utility colors. They can act as accent colors bringing the additional meaning that is commonly associated with them.
Red90 AAA
RGB 255, 231, 230
HSB 2, 10%, 100%
Red50 Destructive AA / AA
RGB 221, 51, 51
HSB 360, 77%, 87%
Red30 AAA
RGB 135, 54, 54
HSB 360, 60%, 53%
Green90 AAA
RGB 213, 253, 244
HSB 167, 16%, 99%
Green50 AA
RGB 0, 175, 137
HSB 167, 100%, 69%
Green30 AA
RGB 20, 134, 109
HSB 167, 85%, 53%
Yellow90 AAA
RGB 254, 246, 231
HSB 39, 9%, 100%
Yellow50 AAA
RGB 255, 204, 51
HSB 45, 80%, 100%
Yellow30 AA
RGB 172, 102, 0
HSB 36, 100%, 67%
Additional colors
Some use cases, such as charts and data visualization, may need a broader color palette. Make sure to aim for level AA contrast (4.5:1) when extending the default palette. Also try to test how they are perceived at different color vision deficiency conditions.